01442 258 898 [email protected]

ICane Newsletters

ICane Newsletters

We hope the information in our newsletters will keep you informed and update you on the ever evolving educational landscape and the health service. Our aim is to empower parents and young people to be knowledgeable, to find a voice to challenge the quality of provision in these services for young people up to the age of twenty-five of African, African Caribbean and dual heritage but not exclusively.
iCane Foundation

Join our mailing list and keep up to date about ICane Foundation’s events and projects!

We aim to improve the economic, social, educational opportunities and outcomes for individuals. Our activities are focused on improving individual life chances, opportunities to thrive and to contribute to the social and educational framework as British citizens.



  • Parents are the child’s first educator and most important influencer. Therefore, workshops in child development are integral in supporting your child’s future.
  • Provide opportunities to participate in training programmes to develop skills and expertise that will enhance individuals potential to participate in society
  • Organise parent, carers, young people and intergenerational workshops, educational programmes, conferences and seminars
  • Train individuals in coaching and  mentoring skills to work with young people to minimise their risk of social and economic exclusion
  • We give advice; support and signpost to our network charities that we collaborate with to ensure your needs are met.